FOX Corporation requires the implementation of this Procedure when its personnel encounter any suspected asbestos or asbestos-containing material.
This Procedure applies to all FOX Corporation (FOX) activities where suspected asbestos or asbestos-containing materials are present and might be
disturbed during any planned work activity.
2.0 Definitions
any member of a group of fibrous mineral types found naturally occurring in many parts of the world. Most common in the United Sates is chrysotile, a
white-colored mineral widely used in fire-retardant products and thermal insulations. Other asbestos forms include amosite (a brownish mineral),
cricidolite (a bluish mineral), tremolite asbestos, anthophyllite asbestos, actinolite asbestos, and any of these minerals that have been chemically
treated and/or altered.
Asbestos Containing Material (ACM)
any material, which contains asbestos at one percent or greater by weight.
Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL):
means the maximum airborne concentration to which a Fox employee can be subjected, normalized to an eight (8)-hour time weighted average (TWA) and with
consideration of the mitigation provided by any respiratory protection, which may be used. For normal work shifts [eight (8) hours or less], Fox’s asbestos
OEL is 0.1 fibers per cubic centimeter of air (0.1 f/cc).
3.0 Responsibilities
In addition to required Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Program responsibilities discussed in EHS001, EHS Policy, the responsibilities described
below are necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the procedure.
3.1 Department Heads
Department Heads will ensure that supervisors of personnel working around potential asbestos/asbestos-containing materials or building structures are
trained in this Procedure.
3.2 Employees
All FOX employees will:
1. Not disturb or handle any ACM or suspected ACM without appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), training in the job-specific hazards of asbestos
exposure, and medical monitoring
2. Immediately notify the Department Head of the presence or suspected presence of previously unidentified ACM in the workplace, and cease all work
activities, involving disturbance or contact with the materials until further direction is received
3.3 Environmental, Health and Safety Department
The EHS Department will:
- Develop appropriate standards for protecting workers from asbestos exposures
- Provide technical assistance in the identification of ACM and the evaluation of exposure hazards as requested by Department Heads
- Facilitate the receipt of services of a certified asbestos inspection consultant and asbestos abatement contractor, for the evaluation and removal of
asbestos and asbestos-containing materials - Perform a periodic review of this Procedure (at least annually) to ensure that all requirements are current and meet regulatory requirements.
4.0 Procedure
4.1 Intrusive Activities
When performing intrusive work on areas of known or suspect ACM (penetration of any interior or exterior building wall or flooring), FOX personnel will:
- Contact the EHS Department to determine if the area being disturbed has been characterized for the presence of ACM
- If the area has been characterized and asbestos is known to exist, not perform work until an asbestos abatement contractor has completed an asbestos
removal operation - If the area has not been characterized, not perform work until the EHS Department’s asbestos inspection contractor can collect samples and complete a
characterization, and if necessary, an asbestos abatement action has been completed (if asbestos is identified) - Proceed with work if the area has been characterized and is known to be free of any asbestos/ACM.
4.2 Operations and Maintenance Activities
FOX personnel are permitted to perform routine operations and maintenance activities, involving repair and clean-up of known ACM, under the following
- ACM must have previously been identified and evaluated by a California-certified asbestos inspector and been characterized as being in a non-friable
condition. - Maintenance and repair activities must be limited to application of paint or other surface coatings, or application of a surfacing material, to
maintain the integrity of the ACM. - Clean-up activities are limited to the wet-wiping of small amounts of debris produced by minor damage to an ACM.
FOX personnel performing this work must meet the following qualifications:
4.2.1 Medical Monitoring Requirements
Personnel must complete an asbestos-protocol medical monitoring procedure, meeting the requirements of EHS 204, Medical Surveillance Program.
Workers must have a medical clearance prior to performing any work involving potential asbestos exposures.
4.2.2 Training
Personnel will receive a minimum of two (2) hours of asbestos awareness training, which addresses:
1. Hazards of asbestos
2. Asbestos exposure limits and other regulatory requirements
3. Asbestos exposure prevention measures.
EHS 001, EHS Policy
EHS 204, Medical Surveillance Program