Fox Corporation requires implementation of appropriate Alarm Response and notification procedures to protect employees and property against the dangers
of fire.
This procedure will be used when responses to alarm systems are necessary for buildings 100, 101 and 103 and the Earth Station on the FOX Studio Lot in Los
Angeles, California.
2.0 Responsibilities
In addition to required Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Program responsibilities discussed in EHS 001, EHS Policy, the responsibilities
described below are necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the procedure.
2.1 Responsibilities
2.1.1 Plant Operations
The Plant Operations Department will:
a) Maintain alarm systems and controls.
b) Monitor and evaluate Plant Operations-related response actions associated with building-related systems.
c) Determine validity of actuated alarm systems and notify applicable departments to ensure appropriate response.
d) Determine need for building evacuations and emergency services notifications.
e) Coordinate with other responding departments or agencies to ensure the safe evacuation of affected areas and buildings.
2.1.2 Fox Security
FOX Security will:
a) Provide notification of alarms system functions to Plant Operations and FOX Fire Department.
b) Coordinate and maintain all radio communication during an alarm event.
c) Coordinate the prompt evacuation of employees from affected buildings.
d) Control employee movement to designated Safe Refuge Areas.
e) Provide vehicle and pedestrian traffic control measures during alarm response activities.
f) Ensure employee re-entry into affected buildings is prevented until re-occupancy has been authorized.
g) Coordinate re-occupancy efforts.
2.1.3 Fox Fire Department
The FOX Fire Department will:
a) Assist in the confirmation of alarm system activations with Plant Operations personnel.
b) Recommend building/area evacuations to Plant Operations as appropriate.
c) Act as a liaison with the Los Angeles Fire Department.
d) Provide appropriate recommendations for post-response activities as necessary.
2.1.4 Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Department
The EHS Department will:
a) Develop and maintain effective training for employees involved in the response to alarm systems and building evacuations.
b) Coordinate with stakeholder departments to ensure effective response actions and regulatory compliance.
c) Periodically review and revise this procedure and coordinate with other departments as necessary.
3.0 Procedure
This procedure will be used whenever a FOX-occupied building requires .
3.1 Response Actions
3.1.1 Fire Alarms
Building Security will be responsible for escalation of events once a fire or methane alarm system has been activated. The following procedures are to be
a) Building Security will notify Plant Operations, FOX Fire Department, and the Security Communication Center of the alarm.
b) The Communication Center will call for lot-wide radio silence and implement standard alarm response procedures for traffic and pedestrian control at all
vehicle and pedestrian gates. The Officer-in-charge/Security Supervisor (Unit 10) will assume responsibility for radio communication and security personnel
c) All Plant Operations personnel will switch their radios to Channel 1 for the duration of the alarm event.
d) Building evacuation procedures will commence.
3.1.2 Methane Alarm Response
a) Building Security will notify Plant Operations, FOX Fire Department, and the Security Communication Center of the alarm.
b) The Communication Center will call for lot-wide radio silence and implement standard alarm response procedures for traffic and pedestrian control at all
vehicle and pedestrian gates. The Officer-in-charge/Security Supervisor (Unit 10) will assume responsibility for radio communcation and security personnel
c) All Plant Operations personnel will switch their radios to Channel 1 for the duration of the alarm event.
d) Plant Operations and FOX Fire Department personnel will respond to affected Methane Alarm Panel to verify status and type of alarm. Plant Operations
will ascertain the location of the sensor that has been activated.
3.2 Alarm Verification
3.2.1 Fire Alarms
a) Plant Operations personnel will respond and ascertain the status and type of alarm (verify printer operation if at a panel with a printer).
b) If an alarm is reported in multiple buildings, Plant Operations personnel will respond to the panel in building 100 or 101.
c) Plant Operations personnel will acknowledge the activated alarm, silence it, reset the applicable alarm and wait at panel until system normal message
displayed. (at B100 or B101). Plant Operations personnel may request Unit 10 to release Building Security personnel in the building 101 lobby to perform
these operations if Plant Operations personnel are located in building 103.
d) Plant Operations personnel will dispatch a second Plant Operations employee to the exact location of the activated alarm to verify status (i.e., water
flow, smoke, fire, etc.) If there is only one member of the Plant Operations Department on duty, they must request Unit 10 to dispatch an available FOX
Fire Department, Building Security, or Lot Security member to respond to the alarm location.
e) All personnel will follow normal safety procedures while approaching a potential fire location. If fire or indications of fire observed report to Unit
10 immediately; Unit 10 ensure continued evacuation.
f) If alarm found to be false and system returns to normal, Plant Operations will advise Unit 10 and prepare to meet with Los Angeles Fire Department when
they arrive on lot to advise them of the nature of the false alarm.
g) If lot fire and safety is on lot, advise them of intent to allow occupants back in building. Plant operations Director and above have authority to
authorize re entry. Unit 10 to coordinate re entry
3.2.2 Methane Alarm
a) Plant Operations personnel will reset the applicable alarm and wait at panel until system normal message displayed. If the methane alarm panel does not
reset, Plant Operations personnel will confirm activation of the methane exhaust system for the affected building to ensure that excessive methane does not
continue to build-up.
b) Plant Operations and the Fox Fire Department will identify and respond to affected Methane sensor. FOX Fire Department will use a calibrated,
direct-reading, methane detector to establish the presence of methane at the sensor.
c) If the methane alarm is found to be false and system returns to normal, Plant Operations will advise Unit 10 and normal building activities will resume
without implementing evacuation procedures.
d) If the Methane alarm is confirmed or the concentration of methane exceeds 10% of the lower explosive limit, Plant Operations or the Fox Fire Department
personnel will notify Unit 10 to have a fire alarm pull station activated to begin the building evacuation process.
e) Unit 10 will dispatch available security guards to the Safe Refuge Area (SRA) and as necessary, traffic control area.
f) Building Security to begin coordination of the evacuation of the affected building. Building occupants will be directed to the applicable SRA.
3.3 Building Evacuations
a) When alarm response and verification procedures have determined the need for building evacuations, Unit 10 will dispatch available security guards to
the areas applicable to each Safe Refuge Area (SRA) and as necessary, traffic control area. Attachments 1 through 4 provide SRAs for each of the buildings
occupied by FOX.
b) Building Security will begin coordination of the evacuation of the affected building by positioning themselves in a manner that ensures employees are
directed to their appropriate SRA.
EHS 001, EHS Policy
Various Plant Operations SOPs
Various FEG Security SOPs
Bldg. 89 Safe Refuge Area
Bldg. 100 Safe Refuge Area
Bldg. 101 Safe Refuge Area
Bldg. 103 Safe Refuge Area