FOX Corporation utilizes small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), also known as drones, during television and sports production operations. Because the improper use of drones can result in potentially catastrophic damage, hazards to users of the national airspace system or the public, and/or pose a threat to national security, only trained licensed pilots may operate drones. All uses of drones must comply with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations and conform to the operational requirements in this Procedure.
This Procedure applies to all uses of small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), during FOX Corporation (FOX) and subsidiary activities. It is designed to provide a framework for compliance with the requirements of 14 CFR Part 107 (Federal Register – Small Unmanned Aerial Systems) and is subject to change based on the emerging nature of the UAS industry.
In order to accommodate the rapidly changing regulatory landscape, any printing of this policy will be render it obsolete. Please refer to this policy online in order to reference the up-to-date version.
This policy applies to UAS-related activities that are operated under the following criteria:
- All UAS activities are performed using a dedicated pilot in charge (PIC) and a dedicated visual observer (VO)
- PICs Must have temporary or permanent remote PIC certificate with sUAS rating
- All UAS-related activities are to be performed in the United States
- Total weight of the UAS and payload will not exceed 55 pounds
- All UAS activities will be conducted using continuous visual line of sight (VLOS)
- UAS operations will be limited to one per PIC and VO
- No UAS activities can be conducted directly over non-participants
- UAS activities will be performed during daylight hours only
- Max ground speed of the UAS will be limited to 100 mph
- Max altitude 400 feet above ground level (AGL) or 400 above structure below.
- UAS operators must confirm and document acceptable weather and visibility from or similar resource
- Operations conducted in Class B, C, D, and E airspace, require an FAA notice to airman (NOTAMS)
- The UAS PIC will confirm airspace availability by using or similar
- Pre and post-flight inspections must be performed and documented for each flight
- UAS activites will be peformed using a documented flight plan with takeoff landing and fly zones, operational requirements, and a hazard risk assessment
- All UAS involved in flight activities must be FAA registered on the FAA UAS registration website
Additional requirements and limitations may apply to the specific activity to be performed. Any deviations to the above-listed criteria requires specific coordination with applicable Legal, Risk Management and EHS Departments.
In addition to required Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Program responsibilities discussed in EHS001, EHS Policy, the responsibilities described below are necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the procedure.
The Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Department will:
- Develop and maintain appropriate standards for use of UAS in all FOX company activities
- Provide technical assistance in the use of UAS, as requested by FOX Companies
- Review and update this Procedure annually, or as necessary, to comply with regulatory changes.
FOX Companies that require the use of UAS-related activities will:
- Provide advance notification of intended UAS use to the EHS Department.
- Ensure that UAS operators under their control or supervision (including employees) comply with all laws, regulations, and FOX’s requirements for use of UAS.
- Ensure UAS operations are performed in a manner that ensures UAS equipment is maintained properly inspected and safety briefing documentation records are produced for all UAS.
The PIC will be responsible for ensuring that the following requirements are involved with all uses of UAS.
Manufacturer’s maintenance schedule of UAS’s must be followed and properly documented. Any issues that arise during operations that cannot be resolved by routine methods shall be forwarded to the manufacturer for technical support.
Operators and Observers of any UAS must have received training in the operation of such equipment by an authorized training source.
- The licensed pilot (PIC) must have completed an appropriate course of training, including simulator and/or supervision by a nominated experienced trainer.
- Observers must be competent and have received sufficient training to communicate clearly to the PIC, any turning instructions required to stay clear of conflicting traffic. Observers shall receive training on rules and responsibilities in 14 CFR 91.111, 14 CFR 91.13, cloud clearance, in-flight visibility and the pilot controller glossary including standard ATC phraseology and communication.
- PIC and Observer shall wear eye protection at all times while the UAS is in flight.
- PIC/Observers shall wear clothing that easily identifies them as flight crew.
- Use of the radio or other device is strictly prohibited by the PIC during flight.
4.4.1 Operating Plan
The operation of any UAS equipment by FOX personnel, their affiliates, or contractors/vendors shall follow all Federal, State and Local regulations and requires filing of an operating plan with the EHS Department with Department Head notification prior to. Operating plans shall include:
- Equipment to be used, (include information about the UAS control systems, communication systems etc.)
- Date and approximate time to be used,
- Location(s) to be used,
- Purpose(s) of the operation,
- The identity and contact information of pilot(s) or other remote operator(s),
- All forms of data (including imagery) to be collected,
- Current status of any required licenses or permissions
- Provisions for security of the equipment, both during and outside of operation, and of any sensitive data collected.
For approval of an operating plan:
- Plan must be submitted at least 48 hours prior to operations.
- The plan must include all required information in its content,
- The envisioned operation must comply with applicable laws, government regulations, and other FOX policies,
- The envisioned operation must not pose an unacceptable threat to health, safety, privacy, or the environment, either in an absolute sense or compared to other methods of obtaining the desired information,
- The envisioned operation must be judged by management to be in the best interest of the public and FOX.
4.4.3 Pre-Flight Activities
Prior to each flight, the PIC must:
- Conduct an assessment of the operating environment. The assessment must include at least the following:
• Local weather conditions,
• Local airspace and any flight restrictions,
• The location of persons and property on the surface, and
• Other ground hazards. - Ensure that all persons directly participating in the UAS operation have been briefed and acknowledged in writing the following:
• Operating conditions
• Emergency procedures
• Contingency procedures
• Roles and responsibilities of each person involved in the operation
• Potential hazards
Documentation of - Ensure that all control links between the Control Station (CS) and the UAS are working properly. For example, before each flight, the remote PIC must determine that the UAS flight control surfaces necessary for the safety of flight are moving correctly through the manipulation of the UAS CS. If the remote PIC observes that one or more of the control surfaces are not responding correctly to CS inputs, then the remote PIC may not conduct flight operations until correct movement of all flight control surface(s) is established.
- Ensure there is sufficient power to continue controlled flight operations to a normal landing. One of the ways that this could be done is by following the sUAS manufacturer’s operating manual power consumption tables. Another method would be to include a system on the UAS that detects power levels and alerts the remote pilot when remaining aircraft power is diminishing to a level that is inadequate for continued flight operation.
- Ensure that any object attached or carried by the UAS is secure and does not adversely affect the flight characteristics or controllability of the aircraft.
- Ensure that all necessary documentation is available for inspection, including the remote PIC’s remote pilot certificate, aircraft registration (if required), and Certificate of Waiver (CoW) from the FAA using this link (if applicable).
4.2.3 Inspections
PIC/Observer are both responsible for a thorough preflight inspection of the UAS.
- Before and after each deployment, the PIC and observer shall conduct and document a thorough inspection of the UAS in accordance with the instructions contained in the manufactures user manual.
- Any issues or deficiencies identified that will put in jeopardy the safe operation of the UAS shall be documented and resolved prior to flight. Before each deployment, the observer and safety officer will familiarize themselves with the weather conditions in the area of deployment. They shall utilize FAA approved weather resources to obtain the latest and most current weather conditions.
4.2.4 Weather
- Weather conditions reported shall be recorded in the flight log.
- The PIC shall ensure that the flight will occur within FAA weather requirements.
4.2.5 Post Flight Operation
After each flight, the PIC will complete a statement documenting the UAS operations.
The Fox Risk Management department has developed insurance requirements to be followed for each and every use of a UAS. Detailed instructions and requirements are provided in the attachments located in Section 9.0 below. Also in this section is a list of approved UAS vendors who have been able to satisfy all of the insurance requirements.
FOX Companies that intend to use small UAS vendors are required to include the following language in their agreements.
Service Provider shall provide professional unmanned aircraft systems services to produce aerial video and photograhic coverage for Network’s programming, including, but not limited to: (i) providing the Equipment; (ii) delivery and removal of the Equipment; (iii) operation and maintenance of the Equipment; (iv) hiring and paying applicable pilots in command (PIC), camera operators, Visual Observers and necessary support personnel for the performance of the Services and use of the Equipment; (v) technical support; (vi) secure any and all required permitting and approvals, including local, state and federal aviation administration (FAA) authorizations and certificates of waiver (COW), for the operation of the Equipment and performance of the Services; and (vii) such other services as are customarily performed by unmanned aircraft system (UAS) companies providing similar services in accordance with applicable FAA small UAS rules (14 CFR 107), ((i) – (vii) are, collectively, the “Services”). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties acknowledge and agree that Network shall be responsible for obtaining any necessary ground-based permits from the venues and locations over which the Equipment may be used (e.g., input locations to be included in Services). The Services shall be performed under the direction and approval of Network with respect to all creative, financial and scheduling decisions.
Service Provider shall furnish the following unmanned aerial systems (UAS) equipment (the “Equipment”):
- Manufacturer, Model, FAA Cert Number for Equipment 1
- Manufacturer, Model, FAA Cert Number for Equipment 2
- Manufacturer, Model, FAA Cert Number for Equipment 3
The Equipment and Services to be provided hereunder shall be furnished to Network between (input effective dates of services) or on such other days as mutually agreed between the parties, in (input city where services will be performed), such exact location to be determined be determined between Service Provider and Network after mutual consultation.
Service Provider represents and warrants that the Equipment provided hereunder will meet any and all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, licensing requirements and business codes, and manufacturer’s recommendations as to the safe use of the Equipment, including, but not limited to the following, which Service Provider must provide to Network (i) in accordance with 14 CFR part 107, temporary or permanent Remote Pilot Certificates for small UAS ratings for all PICs that will perform UAS flights as part of the Services; (ii) a complete flight plan for each flight location with operational boundaries and control procedures to be used, including locations of UAS ground operations that Network will be responsible for, if any; (iii) a verification that where required, notices to airman (NOTAMs) have been performed and authorizations received, (iv) for each flight location, copies of Service Provider’s Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM) process that at a minimum, outlines Service Provider’s hazard identification, severity and likelihood of hazard analysis, and mitigation measures to be used to ensure new hazards are not created as a result of Service Provider’s operations, (v) copies of flight logs generated during the performance of Services, and (vi) on conclusion of Service Provider’s activities, copies of all safety briefings used to obtain written acknowledgments of flight operations personnel and authorized participants.
All Services performed hereunder by Service Provider shall be performed in a reasonable and professional manner. It is further understood and acknowledged that Service Provider can only operate under conditions deemed as “safe” per the pilot in command. Acts of God, such as very high wind, rain or thunderstorms in the area, will result in a grounding of flight at no penalty to Service Provider. All reasonable efforts will be made to work around such adverse conditions in order to complete the necessary shots as required by Network. In the event that for some reason Service Provider is fully responsible for being unable to complete flights as required, appropriate adjustment to that day’s fees will be accommodated. Service Provider will take all measures necessary to respect public privacy, prevent injury and loss to persons or property located within or near each location at which Service Provider’s Equipment is being utilized and Service Provider’s Services are to be performed hereunder.
Service Provider will be responsible and liable for all personal injuries and/or property damage caused by the performance of Service Provider’s services hereunder and any and all acts and omissions of any of Service Provider’s employees or independent contractors. Service Provider must always ensure that non participants, including Network personnel, non-Network personnel and the general public be kept at least twenty-five (25) feet away on both a vertical and horizontal axis from the Equipment being used during Service Provider’s operations, unless otherwise approved by the PIC and the Network. At no time will Service Provider operate directly over members of the general public or Network non-participants.
- Must notify EHS immediately
- Provide all records to FAA and FOX
- Report to FAA withou 10 days if incident >$500
- sUAS remote PIC’s name and contact information
- sUAS remote PIC’s FAA airman certificate number
- sUAS registration number issued to the aircraft, if required (FAA registration number)
- Location of the accident
- Date of the accident
- Time of the accident
- Person(s) injured and extent of injury, if any or known
- Property damaged and extent of damage, if any or known
- Description of what happened.
EHS 001, EHS Policy
FOX UAS Operating Plan Form