This Policy applies to all FOX Corporation (FOX) scripted television productions that will require heat detector installation due to the construction of sets with solid ceilings and/or platforms.
California Fire Code Article 46 – Section 4611.14 Solid ceiling sets and platforms
In buildings with existing fire protection systems and where production intends to construct solid-ceiling sets over 600 square feet in area, and platforms over 600 square feet in area which exceed 3 feet in height shall be protected by one of the following:
- An approved and listed heat detector system. Heat detectors shall be space 30 feet on center or as required by the manufacturer’s installation instructions. Detectors shall be connected to an approved and listed central, proprietary or remote station service or a local alarm, which will give an audible signal at a constantly attended location. Such system shall be installed in accordance with Chapter 9;
- The ceiling shall be positioned to allow for the operation of the building’s automatic fire sprinkler system after rehearsal, videotaping, filming or broadcasting of programs has been completed for the day; or
- An approved fire watch.
- Special Hazards shall be reviewed by the enforcing agency.
3.0 Responsibilities
In addition to required Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Program responsibilities discussed in EHS 001, EHS Policy, the responsibilities described below are necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the policy.
3.1 Department Heads and Supervisory Personnel
Department Heads and Supervisors will:
1. Ensure that all personnel are informed of and comply with the contents of this policy.
2. Support all department needs for compliance with all applicable regulations.
3.2 Employees
All crew members who construct solid ceiling sets and platforms:
1. Observe the Sustainable Lumber requirements for their production.
2. Refrain from using lumber and other wood products from forests that are operating illegally, causing tropical deforestation or from types of trees that are endangered.
3.3 Accounting Department
Accounting personnel will:
1. Work with the Construction Department Head (or any DH purchasing lumber) and FOX EHS Department to track all sustainable and FSC certified lumber, plywood and/or meranti-alternatives such as Revolution Ply.
3.4 Environmental, Health and Safety Department
The Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Department will publish, periodically review, and revise this policy.
1. Develop and maintain appropriate standards for use of sustainable lumber for all television production activities.
2. Provide technical assistance and vendor recommendations in the use of sustainable lumber purchasing.
3. Periodically review, revise and update this Procedure, as necessary.
4.0 Procedure
Please adhere to the following procedures.
4.1 Operation
1. Prior to construction of the abovementioned sets, the Construction Coordinator must provide a copy of set plans to the FOX Corporation EHS Department showing the area where the solid ceiling and/or platforms will be constructed.
2. The FOX EHS Department can assist with identifying a Fire Alarm Company to provide a quote for cost of equipment, supplies and labor needed for the installation of an approved heat detector system. The production may solicit an additional vendor to place a competitive bid for installation costs. However, the FOX EHS Department reserves the right to enforce installation to requirements, check on progress of install, request corrections and five final approval upon completion of work by outside vendors.
3. The installation of heat detectors is required to be in place, functional and connected to the building’s fire alarm system control panel no later than 2 days after solid ceilings and/or platforms are in place. (NO EXCEPTIONS)
4. The Construction Coordinator must maintain communications with FOX EHS Department regarding solid ceiling construction schedule, detector install schedule and any changes to approved set plans and/or detector install.
5. Notify the FOX EHS Department of any construction work that will occur after the detectors are in place, including complete striking of sets.
6. If the production cannot comply with these requirements, the production must hire a fire watch for each day that the required fire protection is not in place.
4.2 Prevention of False Alarms
In an effort to prevent the unnecessary occurrences of false fire alarms on sound stages, the following is recommended:
1. Detector Flags – Upon installation of heat detectors, fluorescent flags should be place adjacent to all heat detector locations to remind production personnel of their locations. Flags will be attached with Velcro or magnets and can be removed easily if necessary for theatrical purposes. Production will need to notify the EHS Department if any ID flags need to be removed temporarily or filming then replaced back at the end of shooting. Use heat resistant flags or barriers to prevent direct heat from reaching detectors.
2. Warning Signage – Warning signs will be placed around the outside of solid ceiling sets and platforms warning of the heat detectors placement to include contact numbers for assistance and/or questions.
3. Select alternate areas for lighting if possible.
4. Use E-fans to keep heat from building up in hard ceiling sets.
5. Use heat resistant flags or barriers to prevent direct heat from reaching detectors.
6. Turn lights off that are not needed or not being used for theatrical purposes.
7. Contact the FOX EHS Department for assistance if lighting will be placed directly next to detectors for theatrical purposes.
8. Notify the FOX EHS Department of any construction work that will occur after the detectors are in place, including complete striking of sets.
4.5 Additional Information
- Set heat detectors are subject to monthly inspections.
- Heat detectors may not be painted.
- Heat detectors have a fixed rate of rise temperature to 135 degrees F
- When activated heat detectors automatically dispatch the local Fire Department (LAFD).
EHS 001, EHS Policy